October 10, 2007

At 8am, at a site called el Encenillo along the Panamerican Highway in the municipality of Timbio in the southern part of the department of Cauca, approximately 600 peasant-farmers and students from the municipalities of La Vega, Argelia, El Bordo, El Tambo and Popayán have gathered to march to Popayan; the National Agrarian and Popular Mobilization started today, October 10th, 2007 and is demanding the immediate resignation of the illegal and illegitamate president Álvaro Uribe Vélez. The protesters reclaim their right to self- determination as a people, to defend their territory from the interference of transnational and multinational corporations and the Free Trade Agreement and state politics of annihilation of the peasant, Afro-Colombian and indigenous economies. They demand the approval of the Humanitarian Accords and the creation of a democratic government with wide popluar participation.

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